Here is a brief look at folklore categories:
Folk Art - art made by folk - is considered to be more rustic than fine art and is primarily decorative in purpose. Folk art also generally has a functional quality as well; it is art with purpose. Examples: carousel horses, scarecrows, quilts.

Folk Heroes and Heroines are everywhere. They are real, fictional or metaphoric people often recognized for character traits and deeds. These memorable people, who run the gamut, from politicians and healers to scoundrels and loners, are known for their strengths. These celebrated traits can be found in film, literature, songs, tales and other elements of folklore.

Often narrative, they also provide information about the trials of everyday life. Folklorists have collected and cataloged these elements and, as a result, have developed common themes, or "motifs" such as trickster and healer.
Fairytales take place "Once upon a time" in a land far away and often end with "and they lived happily ever after, THE END" but not always. In most cases they also include magic or enchantments.
Fables offers a moral lesson that often involve animals and are generally geared towards children. Some explore ethical questions, use irony and serve as cautionary tales. Because fables are universal in nature, they can be found in most cultures.
Some Folk Music songs are so old they are considered oral histories, but the term “folk music” (which literally means music of the people) was invented in the early 19th century. By the 20th century it was also referred to, in this country, as “American roots music”. As history developed, the genre of folk music expanded to include blues, gospel, country, and Native American chants.
They are also at the heart of many children's songs and nursery rhymes, such as Clap Your Hands!, B-I-N-G-O, and The Ants Go Marching.
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